New Story from Buffalo Business First: “Buffalo’s CoachMePlus expands with military backing”

Media Coverage Continues after Unstoppable Growth in 2024
CoachMePlus isn’t just growing, it’s dominating. With excellent revenue growth in 2024, the company has cemented its place as the premier Human Performance software provider, trusted by the most powerful military force on the planet, the U.S. Army.
Buffalo Business First’s latest article highlights our ongoing growth within the United States Army’s Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) initiative. CoachMePlus’s established program continues to roll out, aiding in the health, wellness, resiliency, and readiness of more servicemembers each month.
Buffalo Business First’s recent coverage is the latest in a wave of coverage for CoachMePlus’s cutting-edge Warrior Performance Platform (WP2), as various industry publications report on CoachMePlus’ ability to offer human performance solutions at a scale fit for the U.S. Army and private strength coaches and academies alike. Take a look at a preview of the story below:
“Over 100 Million Data Points Per Month”

The business has gone from pulling roughly 37 million data points per month in
2022 to now pulling over 100 million data points per month. The company
quadrupled its revenue in 2024 compared to the year prior.
- CoachMePlus collaborates with the U.S. Army on fitness technology.
- The company quadrupled its revenue in 2024.
- CoachMePlus plans to expand its staff early this year.
“A Buffalo fitness and data technology company is growing with the backing of a big client: the U.S. Army.
CoachMePlus, which uses technology and data to personalize fitness and enhance relationships between exercisers and coaches, is working with the Army in multiple capacities.”
Read the full article Here: BuffaloInno
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