Dashr Integration
Put the Speed back in Speed Testing

Zero-Touch Data Connection
Save hours on data entry. Dashr’s Athlete RFID bands track athlete speed then sends it directly to CoachMePlus via instant data API. No tapping or typing required.
See Roster View for Speed
Get a clear picture of your team’s speeds. CoachMePlus instantly visualizes all speed data in a standard report to minimize Excel time.

See Roster View for Speed
Get a clear picture of your team’s speeds. CoachMePlus instantly visualizes all speed data in a standard report to minimize Excel time.

Share Athlete Speed Scores
Push athlete speed scores directly to your athletes’ phones. Athletes can easily see their current and historic speed scores on their athlete profile.

Share Athlete Speed Scores
Push athlete speed scores directly to your athletes’ phones. Athletes can easily see their current and historic speed scores on their athlete profile.