APRE Training: What You Need to Know to Get Started

APRE Training: What You Need to Know to Get Started

For years, people have hammered out exercises in a familiar pattern, with the most popular being three sets of 10. As common as such aspects of strength training is, a different protocol referred to as autoregulatory progressive resistance exercise or APRE for short...
Dashr & CoachMePlus FAQs

Dashr & CoachMePlus FAQs

Join Chase Pfeifer, President and CEO of Dashr Performance Systems and Michael Gallivan, Human Performance Specialist from CoachMePlus as they discuss the relationship between the two companies and some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Dashr and...
Checkpoints in the ACL Return-to-Play Process

Checkpoints in the ACL Return-to-Play Process

Mike Tyson is well-known for his quote, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” As a strength and conditioning coach, do you have a plan when you or your athletes get “punched in the mouth?” I know I didn’t. I have been obsessed with...
Four Strategies to Improve Athlete Compliance

Four Strategies to Improve Athlete Compliance

As a Sports Performance Coach, I have observed how the success of our training programs is largely based in how we do things rather than simply what we do. More specifically, it’s about how we get our athletes invested in what we do. Coaches can set the standards and...